党建带群建 | 外国语学院召开2024年“三八”妇女节座谈会暨上半年党外知识分子座谈会

作者: 时间:2024-03-12 点击数:











Dear faculty and staff of the school,

Today is International Women's Day, a day that belongs to every female compatriot and serves as a tribute to all our female friends. I would like to take this special opportunity to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of you!

Ladies, you are the most lovely, hardworking, and outstanding group in our school. Whether you are on the front-line of teaching or in the management level, you have shown remarkable talent and selfless dedication. In your daily work, you have made significant contributions to the development of our school through your intelligence and professional abilities. You are mentors and friends to our students, a source of inspiration to our colleagues, and the warm hearts of our families.

On this special occasion, let us celebrate the greatness of women together. May you find abundant happiness and success in both work and life. Whether it is progress in your career or harmony in your family, I hope you can strike the perfect balance for your own physical and mental well-being and find the best path to pursue your dreams. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the school throughout the years, and I hope you will continue to maintain a positive and proactive attitude, contributing even more to the development of our school in the future.

Finally, I would like to once again wish all the faculty and staff of the school a happy International Women's Day! May your smiles always shine brightly like spring flowers, and may happiness always accompany you!







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